Kannan Law is your reliable ally, advising you on time on all sanctions that may arise from any possible common criminal charge.
Based in San Diego, California, we provide comprehensive services in handling common criminal cases, offering you support and our extensive legal experience.
It is essential that you have the support of a lawyer who fully understands the sanctions that may arise from a case in any legal situation to avoid such terrible consequences.
In everyday life, situations may arise in which a person commits a crime and has to deal with the law. Given this, it is essential to have a lawyer who has experience handling these cases.
Some of the cases in which we at Kannan Law can advise you are:
Resisting arrest
If you willfully resist, delay, or obstruct a law enforcement officer in performing their official duties (a police officer or other public official), you may face misdemeanor charges.
You may also face felony charges if there are aggravating circumstances, including when the officer was injured.
Vandalism cases can be treated as misdemeanors or felonies. The value of the damage caused determines the type of burden the defendant will face.
You may be given a harsh sentence even if your case is treated as a misdemeanor.
Under California law, there are several types of forgery. With the recent passage of Proposition 47, the punishments resulting from forgery cases were modified, some of which were reclassified as misdemeanors and others as felonies. What differentiates the two is the amount of money involved.
When it is proven that someone entered a building to commit a robbery or a serious crime, that person may face burglary charges. These charges are in addition to those related to the predicate crime. The charges tend to be much more serious when the unauthorized entry is to a residential building than a commercial one.
Criminal threats
Threats of great bodily harm or threats of death may be considered criminal violations. When defending such cases, it is essential to look at the details of the alleged threat, including the method by which it was transmitted and the circumstances under which the danger arose.
The sentence for any of the above cases tends to be varied. Some instances have mandatory jail time, while others require license suspensions. An example of this can be found in some types of vandalism, where conviction usually attracts a license suspension for up to 2 years, even when the matter itself has nothing to do with driving.
It is essential that, if you have to be held accountable before justice, you are properly advised by a lawyer because this will allow you to face the charges and avoid, as far as possible, terrible sentences.
We are criminal and immigration lawyers
At Kannan Law, we have a team of lawyers specializing in immigration issues. This is a great advantage when advising immigrants who are involved in criminal cases since we perfectly combine criminal law with immigration law.
It is important to remember that severe criminal offenses negatively affect immigration benefits, so we avoid damages that could complicate our clients’ immigration matters.
Definitely, having Kannan Law as your lawyer is always the best decision. Contact us today to start talking about your case!
Frequently Asked Questions
What should you do if you are arrested for resisting arrest in San Diego?
If you are arrested for resisting arrest, the most important thing is to remain calm and not offer further resistance. Be sure to request a lawyer as soon as possible. At Kannan Law, we can evaluate your case and work to identify any potential defenses, such as whether the arrest was illegal or whether there were misunderstandings about your behavior. We also advise you to cooperate with authorities without compromising your legal defense.
How does the law determine whether a case of vandalism is considered a misdemeanor or a felony?
In California, whether a vandalism case is classified as a misdemeanor or felony depends on the value of the damage caused. If the damage is less than $400, it is generally treated as a misdemeanor. If the damage exceeds this amount, it may be considered a felony. At Kannan Law, we can help you understand the nature of the charges against you and find strategies to minimize the legal consequences.
What are the legal consequences of committing forgery in California after Proposition 47?
Proposition 47 reclassified certain forgery crimes, reducing some to misdemeanors, especially if the amount involved is less than $950. However, the most severe cases are still treated as serious crimes. Consequences can range from fines to prison. At Kannan Law, we offer a robust defense that examines all aspects of your case and seeks options to reduce or dismiss the charges.
What are compensatory damages for dog bites in California?
In California, burglary involves entering a building intending to commit a crime, such as a robbery or a felony. The severity of the charges depends on whether the entry was into a residence (which generally carries harsher penalties) or a commercial building. At Kannan Law, we help you understand the legal distinctions and work to protect your rights and reduce potential penalties.
What are the implications of criminal threats and how can they be defended in court?
Criminal threats in California, such as threats of great bodily harm or death, can be treated as serious crimes, mainly if they were credibly conveyed and caused fear in the victim. The defense may show that the threat was not credible, misinterpreted, or made in a joking context or without actual intent. At Kannan Law, we carefully review the details of your case and build a strong defense based on the particular circumstances.