Proposed USCIS fee increase in 2020
Do you need help with your immigration process? If this is your case, call us today at (619) 746-8879 The Department of Homeland Security, DHS, proposed to adjust certain immigration...
212d3 waiver of inadmissibility for non-immigrants
Are you inadmissible to the United States? If this is your case, call us today at (619) 746-8879 The 212d3 waiver is a very popular immigration waiver that can...
Are LGBTQ asylum seekers at greater risk?
If you need assistance regarding your immigration status, call us today at (619) 746-8879 Immigrant advocates are saying that LGBTQ asylum seekers from Central America that are stuck at the...
US Supreme Court questions DACA legality
If you are a DACA recipient and need more information about your immigration status, call us today at (619) 746-8879 As of November 2019, the United States Supreme Court justices...
Temporary Protected Status extended for Salvadorans
Are you Salvadoran and living in the United States? If you need assistance regarding your immigration status, call us today at (619) 746-8879 People from El Salvador that are in...
Marital Union is required for obtaining citizenship through marriage
If you are seeking citizenship through marriage and need assistance, call us today at (619) 746-8879 On October 12, 2018, a USCIS Policy Alert updated the requirements to obtain citizenship...
USCIS changes policy on fee waivers
Do you believe the new USCIS policies will affect your citizenship application? Call us today at (619) 746-8879 The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS, announced a new policy...
When can children immigrate with their parents as derivatives?
Do you need help with your immigration process? Call us today at (619) 746-8879 Once a person obtains a Lawful Permanent Resident status (LPR) they may be interested in seeking...
What is VAWA and do I qualify?
If you think you may qualify for VAWA, call us today at (619) 746-8879 VAWA stands for the Violence Against Women Act, which was created to address a widespread problem...