Alternatives to incarceration: SCRAM
Alternatives to incarceration: SCRAM
Alternatives to incarceration: SCRAM
There is an alternative to incarceration for people who are repeating DUI (driving under the influence) offenders and it is called the SCRAM bracelet.
SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor and there are several products that can be used to monitor, from a long distance, a person who was charged for a DUI and as part of their sentence, the court ordered him or her to avoid alcohol.
The SCRAM bracelet works 24/7 as a sobriety monitor to support long-term behavior change and also as a complement of an alcohol dependence or addiction program. It is a technology developed by a company called SCRAM Systems and, as they say on their website, it eliminates testing gaps or “cheating” around testing schedules; it goes wherever the client goes; base stations are flexible and can operate via Ethernet, cellular, Wi-Fi or landline; and there are also mobile apps available.
The way it works is that the bracelet measures the alcohol in a person’s body through their sweat. It tests the person’s perspiration every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, to check if there has been any alcohol consumption.
How choosing a SCRAM bracelet can keep you out of jail
The SCRAM bracelet can be used as a punishment for DUI offenders, or it can also be used as an alternative to jail time.
In some cases, the judge may request the offender to wear a SCRAM bracelet as a condition of his or her release from prison.
When a person is ordered to wear a SCRAM bracelet, it can be for as long as one month to more than a year. The time will depend on how serious the offender’s alcohol problem is, the seriousness of the offense and whether the offender is repeating a DUI offense.
Wearing a SCRAM bracelet will not give you credit, however, if you are sentenced to house arrest, you can receive credit by wearing SCRAMx, which testes alcohol the same way the SCRAM bracelet does.
These bracelets are both tamper-proof and water-resistant and if the offender is allowed to travel, they will still be able to be monitored.
If someone wearing a SCRAM bracelet consumes alcohol, an alert is issued, not before SCRAM’s Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. revises the data that is being received. In addition, a trained analyst will confirm the alert by investigating the data. When the alert is confirmed, the DUI offender’s supervising agent will be notified immediately.
An alert will also be issued if the person takes the bracelet off and it could result in a probation violation and harsh sentencing consequences.

How much does the SCRAM bracelet cost?
The installation of the SCRAM system is usually between $50 and $100 and there is also a daily monitoring fee charged that can go to $10 to $12 per day. However, the cost will depend on the defendant’s income. If he or she is indigent, the court may pay for the system.
Don’t hesitate to contact a criminal lawyer in California who can recommend the court to give you a SCRAM bracelet instead of having to serve time if you are a repeating DUI offender. Remember that having the right attorney is key to your case. Here at Kannan Law, we will help you avoid unnecessary jail time if you are committed to rehabilitation and are interested in learning more about what other options there are for you than serving time.
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[…] option for house arrest for people with DUI-related crimes is SCRAM, which stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor, and it consists of a bracelet that […]