Green Card holders can take the citizenship test in Spanish
Green Card holders can take the citizenship test in Spanish
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US Legal Permanent Residents or Green Card holders for more than 15 years living in the United States can take the citizenship test in Spanish or their preferred language.
The goal is to help Permanent Residents qualify for citizenship to take the test even if they are not fluent in the English language. However, not everyone can skip this rule because the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) requires the test to be taken in English only.
Who is eligible for the English language exception?
Those who are 50 years or older when they file for naturalization and have lived as Permanent Residents in the United States for 20 years can qualify to take the civics test in Spanish. This is commonly referred to as the 50/20 exception.
Also, if you are 55 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived as a Green Card holder for 15 years, you can qualify for the 55/15 exception, which can exempt you from the English language requirement, as you can read in the USCIS website.
As for the civics test, you can take it in your native language, as we mentioned above. Nonetheless, you must bring an interpreter with you to the interview to verify your answers. The interpreter must be fluent in both English and your native language.
Finally, those who are 65 or older and have been a Permanent Resident for at least 20 years at the time of filing, you will be given special considerations regarding the civics requirement.
Medical disability exceptions
People that suffer from a mental or physical disability can be exempted from the English and civics test. To request this exception, you must submit Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions. The form must be completed by a licensed medical or osteopathic doctor or licensed clinical psychologist.
For more information, check the USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance or contact Kannan Law immigration attorneys. We’re ready to answer all of your questions!